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优质纯白杨木丝垫料 Aspen tender strips

优质纯白杨木丝垫料 WS-2 Aspen tender strips

※  实验动物垫料之优选Premium bedding materials for experimental animals

※  拥有4年以上实验动物垫料生产经验,持续提供各种类型高品质垫料;With more than 4 years of experience in producing bedding materials for experimental animals, we continue to provide various types of high-quality bedding materials.

※  严格的生产环节质量控制,确保产品质量符合各项标准要求;Strict production quality control, ensure product quality meet the requirements of the standards;

※  严格的质量管理体系,权威第三方检测。Strict quality management system,authoritative third-party testing.

※  柔软舒适,丰富动物生长环境,不含杂质、碎片、松木成分。

Soft and comfortable, enrich the growth environment for experimental animals. Natural and absorbable wood wool padding, no debris, no pine.



▄  适合实验动物筑巢Suitable for laboratory animals to build nests.

▄  白杨木丝柔软舒适,宽1mm,厚小于0.1mm;Soft and comfortable, 1mm wide and less than 0.1mm thick.

▄  为动物提供天然柔软的筑巢材料;Natural, soft nesting materials foranimals. Caters to animals’ natural nesting and shelter-building instincts.

--  不含粉尘和其他化学物;No dust and other chemicals;

--  动物能够快速适应,减少动物应激;Decreases stress, promote animal activity and well-being.

--  适用于多数的小动物饲养。Suitable for raising most of small animals.

▄  减少人力labor saving

--  白杨木丝便于使用,方便操作,放进鼠笼即可,不需要特别处理,减少人力成本,提升实验效率。Easy to use, easy to operate, can be put into the cage, no special treatment is required, reduce labor costs, improve the efficiency of the experiment.

▄  不含松木等有害成分 No harmful chemicals

--  纯白杨木,不含松木等成分; No harmful ingredients such as pine. 

▄  适用于动物造窝,适合孕期母鼠 Suitable for animal nest, suitable for pregnant female mice

--  柔软、适合实验动物做窝、嬉戏;Soft, suitable for laboratory animals to nest and play.

▄  环境友好型  Environmentally friendly

--  天然可降解,可再生,可焚烧、可堆肥,来源广泛,每年均可生产。 Naturally degradable, renewable, incinerable, compostable, raw materials in a wide range of sources, can be produced in whole year.

--  可与玉米芯垫料共用,保证动物舒适性以及吸湿性,减少换笼次数。 Combined use with corn cob bedding , ensure a comfort and dry environment, requires less frequent cage changes, reduc



    • 0317-5022625
    • 13292793176
    • liuxun
    • admin@yourphp.cn
    • http://demo2.yourphp.cn
    • 河北省沧州市肃宁县宅南村
